Monday, 8 August 2011

Radio Tv Unirea -un radio pentru toti românii-inaugurat la Festivalul Callatis 2011, Roma

a href="">

De ce Radio Tv Unirea?

Am simţit şi filtrat prin propria respiraţie aerul tare al străinătaţii călătorind şi trăind în diferite colţuri ale lumii.

Mulţi dintre noi au avut nevoie să se refere strict cu “acasa ” atunci când era vorba de România sau de valenţele ei spirituale, patrimoniale sau afective pe care le reprezintă.
Cu timpul am adăugat acestui sens de “acasa”elementele locului in care fiecare işi trăieşte miracolul redescoperirii şi unde revenim din fiecare călătorie cu plăcerea unui ‘’acasa’’ adoptiv.

Vine apoi un timp când descoperim că putem călători în lume purtând România în suflet , înnobilată de sensul unirii în suflet şi simţiri a 10-15 milioane de români indiferent de meridianul pe care ne aflăm.
Pentru ca sunt multe lucruri care ne unesc la bucurii sau la tristeţi, pe noi toţi acesti români risipiti in lume, noi luam lucrurile aşa cum sunt rămânând verticali si răzbind să facem rădăcini acolo unde ne-am stabilit.

În primul rând dorul acesta ancestral de acasă de locul acela în care totul se petrecea mai uşor, mai in siguranţa, în cauşul cald oferit de familie si prieteni. Apoi faptul că împărtăşim aceasta verticalitate a românului trăitor în credinţa strămoşească pe care o poartă cu el oriunde radiind încredere în sine şi în oameni indiferent de cât de deasa ar fii pădurea umană in care viata ne conduce.
Să nu uităm apoi această nesfârşită potenţialitate a creativităţii româneşti care ne ajută să ne raportăm la existenţă intr-un adevărat spirit entuziast şi original adaptându-ne cu generozitate mediului care ne oferă siguranţa traiului de zi cu zi.
Şi dincolo de toate acestea ne uneşte o imensă responsabilitate faţa de noi inşine si faţă de ceea ce lăsăm in urmă. Căci suntem 10-15 milioane
de români in diaspora chiar dacă cifrele diferă în functie de sursa statisticilor, noi reuşim să rămânem uniţi, puternici şi vizibili chiar dacă nu avem un guvern, o armată sau o reprezentare consistentă în structurile statale româneşti, care să ne gestioneze reuşitele sau mai nereuşitele unor vieţi trecătoare dar perene.
Caci ceea ce avem este responsabilitatea solidarităţii noastre pentru ca spiritul românesc sa dăinuie în lume cu demnitate , cu respect si perenitate.
Pentru că acestă conştiinţă de sine există cu forţa identităţii naţionale individuale oglindite într-o lume din ce in ce mai mult multiculturală, pentru că existăm in aceste condiţii in lume , pentru aceasta Radio Tv Unirea există şi vă aşteaptă alături la acest început de drum.
Radio Tv Unirea e o stare de spirit şi un mod de viaţa, asumat de 3 organizaţii coordonatoare ale acestui proiect de suflet românesc: "Cercul Cultural Româno-Austriac UNIREA" Austria, Societatea Românca Marea Britanie si Fundaţia Asturian, România.

Veniţi alături de noi, trimiteţi ştiri, evenimente si poveştile Dvs. de viaţa!
Contact - Radio TV Unirea
Strada Pottendorfer.268. A-2700 Wiener Neustadt. Austria.
Telefon: +43-2622-82154
Numărul de fax: +43 2622 / 82154.
Număr mobil: +43 664 / 3419664.
aceasta Radio Tv Unirea există şi vă aşteaptă alături la acest început de drum.
Radio Tv Unirea e o stare de spirit şi un mod de viaţa, asumat de 3 organizaţii coordonatoare ale acestui proiect de suflet românesc: "Cercul Cultural Româno-Austriac UNIREA" Austria, Societatea Românca Marea Britanie si Fundaţia Asturian, România.

Veniţi alături de noi, trimiteţi ştiri, evenimente si poveştile Dvs. de viaţa!

Contact - Radio TV Unirea
Strada Pottendorfer.268. A-2700 Wiener Neustadt. Austria.
Telefon: +43-2622-82154
Numărul de fax: +43 2622 / 82154.
Număr mobil: +43 664 / 3419664.

Fundatia Asturian România

Echipa Radio Tv Unirea

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Invitation to composers 2011- Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm

Dear Friends,

I am welcoming you to the new work of Invitation to Composers Project 2011.
Please come along and enjoy the work of contemporary composers that will be presented during this year in UK, France and Romania by Anda Anastasescu and London Schubert Players. The fist 2 event will take place in London:

Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 7.30pm
Bolivar Hall 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL
Entrance free

Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 7.00pm
ICR London- 1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH
Entrance free

More information from

I am looking forward to see you,


Ionela Flood

Info Manager Association Romania
Partner of Invitation to Composers Project


Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm

Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight,
and hurt not.
The Tempest, Shakespeare.

The London Schubert Players welcome you to the mysterious sounds of their next journeys:
- the magical musical world of Ravel and Faure
- the film-like music of the Jewish-Ethiopian story which brought many international awards to Radu Mihaileanu's film Va, vis et deviens
- a meditation by a Serbo-Croat composer on Japanese poet Basho
- the colourful and delightful rhythms of Venezuelan and Romanian dances
- the poetical paths of Heine, Baudelaire and Tennyson put to music by composers Silvestri, Cashian and Nickol.

The two events are part of Invitation to Composers international project, which has enriched Europe’s cultural heritage in 2010 and 2011 with 40 valuable works inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. It is building bridges between great traditions of music of the past and contemporary thought, without the use of electronics and non-musical experiments. It was one of 87 projects selected by the European Commission out of 298 for its recent cultural programmes. It has caught the interest, imagination and admiration of over 100 professional composers and 80 performers worldwide, the composition department of London’s Royal Academy of Music, record distributors, festival directors and music lovers.

The book to be launched contains the Bournemouth Symphony players' impressions about the legendary Romanian conductor Constantin Silvestri; and the unique film, shown publicly in Britain for the first time on July 6th, a tremendous performance of Silvestri conducting the French National Radio Orchestra in Liszt's poem Tasso and Silvestri's own work Prelude and Fugue (Toccata).

We want to share these journeys, entrance is free and a glass of wine will be waiting for you!

See you soon,
Yours in Music,
Anda and the London Schubert Players

European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti

British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora

Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
Romanian Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda

Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Sarbatori Fericite!

Sarbatorile de iarna sa va petreaca spre Anul Nou cu inocenta copiilor colindand spre inimile noastre si spre viitor! Sarbatori linistite cu pace si armonie!

Echipa Societatii Romanca

Craciun Fericit

Craciun Fericit
sperantelor ascunse prin zapezi
colindelor revarsate princiar pe strazi

Craciun Fericit
Romanilor risipiti printre nameti
si candelei aprinse pentru Sfinti

Craciun Fericit
oricarui clinchet rasunand cosmopolit
din gandul mamei impletind colaci

Craciun Fericit
copiilor impartasiti in graiul stramosesc
cu acelesi radacini de Feti Frumosi

Craciun Fericit
si doinei rasunand in vechi trompeti
peste un viers ce-l risipim peste hotar

Craciun Fericit
cununei ce se coace in bobul adormit
si focului ce arde-n zarea de argint

Craciun Fericit cu steaua stralucind la infinit
iubirii nerostite pe Pamant

Craciun Fericit!

Ionela Flood Poezie din volumul Parfumul Ingerilor, Bucuresti 2010

Ilustratie de carte Parfumul Ingerilor- Colindul Crinului de Amy Lee

Colindul Crinului de Ionela Flood, interpretat de Corneliu Pavel -fragment din Cd-ul promotional al volumului de poezii Parfumul Ingerilor, lansat la Congresul Spiritualitatii Romanesti , Alba Iulia 2010.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

invitation to composers -Musical seminar -22 July at 6pm

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much to those many who came to our As You Like It event in the Romanian Cultural Institute last week and gave us an enthusiastic full house to perform for. The four composers came to London from the US, Romania, Italy and Croatia, to hear the World Premieres of their works. They had a very satisfying time with us and we have now recorded their works for the first CD of the project.

Next week, on 22 July at 6pm we are holding a seminar with musical illustrations at 72 Warwick Gardens, followed by a buffet party. The event will be presented by myself, the London Schubert Players and the 78 years-old Swedish composer of German origin, Eberhard Eyser. His work, The Nightingale was singing all night long is written for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, and inspired by Schubert's Trout Quintet.

Anda Anastasescu - Piano
Darragh Morgan - Violin
Ricardo Zwietisch - Viola
Sebastian Millett - Cello
Michael Cretu - Double Bass

Places at £15/person. Seating is limited and early booking is advised.

We hope to share this evening with you and send our best wishes,
Anda and the Schubert Players

Our next London concert will be on November 28th in the Royal Academy of Music. Meanwhile, we continue our musical journey to Norfolk, Edinburgh, Paris, Bucharest and Cluj.

Anda and the Schubert Players


Comment from the European Commission:

Invitation to composers become one of 'Success Stories' written up for the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) and are now available online at

Extending Europe’s classical music repertoire

When the London Schubert Players’ Chamber Orchestra (LSP) issued its first
‘Invitation to Composers’ they had a clear goal in mind – to extend the European
repertoire of new contemporary classical music for specific, and rare, chamber music

The first ‘Invitation to Composers’ was issued in 2008 to composers of any age and
nationality to write short works for “specific chamber music combinations which do not exist
or are very rare in the standard classical music repertoire”. For Anda Anastasescu, LSP’s
founder and artistic director, the inspiration for the project came as a result of difficulties
experienced in finding quality works for specific instrumental combinations.
“For 18 years, as a professional performing group we encountered difficulties in
programming a number of great chamber works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Saint-Saëns,
Messiaen and Enescu – because they are each written for a specific instrumental
combination for which no other noted composer has so far written. In addition, we were
seduced by the idea of performing interesting combinations which the standard European
repertoire does not offer,” explains Anda.
The project is a partnership between the UK, France and Romania. It includes the
organization of concerts, seminars, workshops and conferences in all three countries, with
performances and presentations of the most inspired of the new works submitted to the
project. For this project, the LSP is collaborating with the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris
and the Asociata Info Manager (AIM) in Bucharest. The official launch of the project in
London was held on 31 March 2010 at the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) in the presence
of Philip Cashian, Head of Composition at the RAM and a very influential figure in musical

A rich selection
A total of 22 works were selected during the first year of the project, submitted by composers
from 11 countries (Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Romania,
Sweden, UK and the US). The works were inspired by four models: Schubert’s Trout Quintet
for piano, violin, viola, cello and double bass; Mendelssohn’s concerto for solo piano, solo
violin and string quintet; Saint-Saens septet for trumpet, piano and string quintet; and
Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps for piano, violin, clarinet and cello.
Norwegian composer, Bj¢rn Bolstad Skjelbred, saw in the ‘Invitation to Composers’ project
something different from the many other calls for scores and invitations to composers. “This
project stood out from the others because of its reference to specific pieces of music,
composers and instrumental combinations, and because of the musical calibre of its models.
The main motivation for my contribution to the project was imagining a piece of my own
music being compared to or put next to a landmark piece.”
For UK composer, Drew Wilson, the ‘models’ also provided an immediate creative impetus,
while leaving a free reign to the imagination: ”It will be very interesting to hear the different
approaches taken from the same starting point, especially given the very diverse cultural
backgrounds of the composers taking part.”
The composers will also have the opportunity to meet each other at the various events and
concerts organised. This is expected to provide further scope for the exchange of ideas and
comparison of musical approaches. “Cultural exchange in one's own field is always
interesting and instructive. Those of us from different countries will be the product of different
teaching and to some extent aesthetic environments, which throw a revealing light on one's
own preferences and - yes - prejudices, which hopefully get reduced as we are better
informed!” notes Drew.

Linking past and present
As well as filling gaps in Europe’s musical repertoire and enriching it with new and
interesting pieces from across the continent, the project also serves as a bridge between
past and contemporary composition.
“The project aims to create a new dimension in the art of composing in the field of classical
music,” says Anda. ”It inspires and provokes composers' imagination and skills to transmute
some of the greatest European musical ideas of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries into the
21st – providing a direct connection between great European musical traditions and
contemporary thought.”
A fundamental premise of the project is that the new pieces will be played alongside the
‘model’ they were inspired by. This is expected to bring new attention and a fresh eye to the
older pieces. “Somehow, you hear new things in them when they are set against the
contemporary compositions,” adds Anda. “They seem more modern, more courageous, and
you can imagine how it was when they were first composed.”
For the composers, too, the approach chosen fosters an appreciation of the past. “Through
this link with important compositions of the past, contemporary musicians can identify with
the West’s extraordinary musical tradition,” notes Roberto Brisotto (Italy), who based his
composition – Evocations Rituelles – on Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps.

Collaborative creation
Another key aspect of the project is the close collaboration between the musicians and the
composers. For the composer Ivan Božičević (Croatia), concerned by contemporary music’s
tendency to focus on complexity over beauty, this was a major consideration: “It seemed to
me that the ‘Invitation to Composers’ contained a genuine quest for beauty in new music.
The works were to be judged by future performers themselves, not by some complexityseeking
composer peers.”
The close collaboration between the musicians and the composers is appreciated by all
those involved. “For most composers, access to musicians is pretty limited,” says Drew
Wilson. “Having the opportunity to hear your piece played, participate in rehearsals and get
feedback from the players is really quite exciting. Sometimes things are not quite as you
imagined them, or are even not possible in practice. The interaction with the musicians
allows you to adapt the piece, refine it, before it is actually performed in front of the public.”
For the musicians, too, the exchange with the composers is very satisfying. Violin and viola
player, Ricardo Zwietisch, will be performing many of the new pieces with the London
Schubert Players: “It is very motivating to be discovering completely new pieces of music
and being able to get direct feedback from the composers themselves. It allows a creative
collaboration which helps to shape the piece and enrich the musical interpretation.”
As a viola player, he is also very pleased to see the creation of new pieces for viola. “There
are very few classical pieces written for the viola, so these new pieces will be an important
addition to the viola repertoire.”

The Invitation to Composers project is coordinated by Anda Anatasescu, founder and
artistic director of the London Schubert Players’ Chamber Orchestra. It is supported
by the European Commission’s Culture Programme 2007-2013 [Ref:…… ] The
selected works of the project will be published and recorded on CD, and a book will
be published about the composers.

More information:
The European Commission’s Culture Programme:
The London Schubert Players’ Trust - Invitation to Composers

The material is part of 'Success Stories' written up for the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) and can be found

Invitation to composer Project Team

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Invitation to composers Project-Summer events 2010

As You Like It
Thursday 8 July 2010 at 8pm
Romanian Cultural Institute
1, Belgrave Square,

An evening of carnivalesque effervescence, colour, instrumental dialogue, intense emotions, humour, piquanterie and folk tunes from the Balkans.
Presented by the London Schubert Players Trust and the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.
And with the participation of:
Romanian composer Lucian Zbarcea,
Serbian composer Ivan Božičević
American composer Rodney Waschka.
and Italian composer Uberto Pieroni.

With the London Schubert Players Septet (string quintet, trumpet and piano).
Pianists: Anda Anastasescu, Eralys Fernandez (Cuba) and Lachezar Stankov (Bulgaria)

There are no tickets issued for this concert and a donation of £10/person is kindly suggested. If you wish us to reserve your seats please send us a cheque payable to: London Schubert Players Trust, 72 Warwick Gardens, London W14 8PP. We will put your names on the attendance list available on the door on the night. Thank you very much indeed.

We are honoured on this occasion by the presence of a delegation from the European Commission.

We hope to see many of you at this concert and to celebrate together the interesting work of the four contemporary composers.


Hear The Nightingale was singing all night long
on 22 July at 6pm,
in a Seminar held by Anda Anastasescu and the 78 years-old Swedish composer of German origin,
Eberhard Eyser,
at 72 Warwick Gardens, followed by a buffet party.

The Nightingale is written for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass.

Places at £15/person. Seating is limited and early booking is advised. Thank you.

Spend the weekend of 24/25 July in North Norfolk listening to our first
Schubertiade Festival
where rivers Ant and Bure meet.
Concerts take place in beautiful old churches and an art historian will take you through the churches' history and architecture, as well as a tour of some of the most interesting in the area. Strawberry teas will be served.

Leaflet enclosed.
We have a list of welcoming and comfortable guest houses if you are interested.

We are thrilled to participate for the first time at
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
on August 26th,
performing in the Arts Centre of the very school which, for 10 years, offered the Silvestri scholarship places to the young Romanian scholars supported by my Silvestri Foundation. ___________________________________________________________________

We are looking forward to see you at our events and entertain you with our musical programmes.
Our next London event will be on November 28th in the Royal Academy of Music. Meanwhile, we continue our musical journey in Paris, Bucharest and Cluj.

Sending our warm wishes,

Invitation to composers Team

Sunday, 10 August 2008

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Aceasta pagina se afla in constructie. Multumim!

Monday, 4 August 2008